Palm Z22 Review

The Palm Z22 Handheld is a small PDA designed to be simple and dependable. It measures 2.75” x 4” x .6” and it’s small and rounded enough to keep in my pocket all day. Buy the Palm Z22 Handheld if you value a device that does a few things well over having a machine that will do everything sometimes. I use mine to sync with Outlook 2007 calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes.  It has the contact, calendar, and note functions of a smartphone, without the monthly bill.



The Palm Z22 Handheld performs its few functions with speed and dependability.

  • Calendar –Appointments are easy to browse, reminders carry over from Outlook 2007 (and previous versions), and appointments are easy to create or manipulate by using the Palm.
  • Contacts –Store names, phone numbers, email addresses, websites, and more.
  • Tasks –Keep a list of To-Do Items and check them off when they’re done.
  • Memos –Miscellaneous text files; a good place to jot down a shopping list or an idea that comes during the day.
  • Notes –An electronic version of a sticky note, simply write on the screen to save an image of your handwriting.
  • eReader –eReader displays e-books you can download from the Internet. Non-copyrighted classics are available free.,,
  • Calculator, games, and other downloadable software.
  • Battery life is at least 8 hours on mine, I haven't drained it yet.
  • Memory is non-volatile, which means if the battery goes dead you won't lose your data.
  • 25 MB of memory is more than enough for a few games, photos, e-books, and Outlook info (all of my Outlook calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes consume only 150k).
  • Palm Z22 handheld DOES NOT have Wi-fi, expansion card, music, or email capabilities.

Syncing Palm Z22

Charging and syncing is done via simple USB mini cable. Palm has excellent synchronization software that automatically saves a complete backup of your Palm on every sync. All the necessary software is free and downloadable at

Outlook 2007 & Palm Z22

Microsoft Outlook 2007 syncs the following with Palm Z22 Handheld :

Outlook 2007

Palm Z22









