Palm Z22 Review

The Palm Z22 Handheld is a small PDA designed to be simple and dependable. It measures 2.75” x 4” x .6” and it’s small and rounded enough to keep in my pocket all day. Buy the Palm Z22 Handheld if you value a device that does a few things well over having a machine that will do everything sometimes. I use mine to sync with Outlook 2007 calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes.  It has the contact, calendar, and note functions of a smartphone, without the monthly bill.



The Palm Z22 Handheld performs its few functions with speed and dependability.

  • Calendar –Appointments are easy to browse, reminders carry over from Outlook 2007 (and previous versions), and appointments are easy to create or manipulate by using the Palm.
  • Contacts –Store names, phone numbers, email addresses, websites, and more.
  • Tasks –Keep a list of To-Do Items and check them off when they’re done.
  • Memos –Miscellaneous text files; a good place to jot down a shopping list or an idea that comes during the day.
  • Notes –An electronic version of a sticky note, simply write on the screen to save an image of your handwriting.
  • eReader –eReader displays e-books you can download from the Internet. Non-copyrighted classics are available free.,,
  • Calculator, games, and other downloadable software.
  • Battery life is at least 8 hours on mine, I haven't drained it yet.
  • Memory is non-volatile, which means if the battery goes dead you won't lose your data.
  • 25 MB of memory is more than enough for a few games, photos, e-books, and Outlook info (all of my Outlook calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes consume only 150k).
  • Palm Z22 handheld DOES NOT have Wi-fi, expansion card, music, or email capabilities.

Syncing Palm Z22

Charging and syncing is done via simple USB mini cable. Palm has excellent synchronization software that automatically saves a complete backup of your Palm on every sync. All the necessary software is free and downloadable at

Outlook 2007 & Palm Z22

Microsoft Outlook 2007 syncs the following with Palm Z22 Handheld :

Outlook 2007

Palm Z22











on 6:38 PM

How to Start Your Own Blog

Thinking about starting a blog? It might be easier than you think. It’s free, and publishing is as easy as sending an email.

5 Steps to Starting a Blog

Here’s how to do it:

1. Go to and click Create A Blog

  • Note: If you already have a Google account, sign in before clicking Create A Blog


2. Fill out form and click Continue


3. Enter your Blog Title and Blog Address (URL).

  • The Title is what will show up in the header of each page of the blog
  • The URL is what people will type in to go to the blog. It will be easier for readers to remember your blog address if the title and address are the same; however, sometimes the URL you want will not be available


4. Choose a Template

  • Pick any one of several templates –some of the templates have different color choices, and click the Preview Template link below it to see a full-size preview


5. Congratulations! That’s all it takes to start blogging.


Adding Content

There are 3 ways to add content to a blog:

1. Go to, login, and click New Post

2. Send an email to Blogger

  • Go to Blogger>Settings>Email to set up your blog for email
  • Enter an easy-for-you-to-remember word to complete the email address
  • Decide whether you want to publish your emails immediately, or save emails as draft posts -which you can later post by logging into
  • Click Save Settings
  • Send an email to that address to post on your new blog.


3. Post from Microsoft Word 2007

4. Post using Windows Live Writer

on 3:35 PM

How to Set Up Word AutoRecover

Want to make sure you won’t lose a document in a Word crash? Check your settings and familiarize yourself with Word’s recovery process.

Microsoft Word 2007 has an automatic recovery feature that utilizes a temporary recovery copy of the document that’s open. This recovery file is updated by default every 10 minutes. It is a good idea to look into the Word settings behind this and verify that the settings are set the way you want them. Microsoft Word 2007 seems highly prone to crashes; having these settings correct will minimize grief in the event of failure.

Simple Steps to Check:

1. With Word 2007 open, click the Office button, then click the Word Settings button on the bottom of the pane.


2. Click Save on the left sidebar to open the Save settings.

3. Make sure the checkbox for Save AutoRecover Information is checked.

4. Specify the time interval you want Word to update the recovery file. I set mine to 1 minute to minimize data loss in the event of a crash.

5. Note where Word is storing your Recovery files. By default it’s a hidden folder such as C:\Users\Username\AppData\Microsoft\Word.

How to Recover a Lost Word Document

The next time Word opens after a crash it will open a Recovery pane with your file displayed. Click the file link to open it.

If the recovery pane is not open –and your last saved version of the file is not current, navigate to the folder Word stores recovery files (the same location you specified in Word Options>Save>AutoRecover option) and open it from there. This folder may be a hidden folder; set your folder options to display hidden folders to make it visible.

After the recovery file is open, save it often in case it crashes again. Remember, frequent saves are still the best way to ward off data loss.