DarkRoom is a minimalist approach to solving writer's block. The thought is that distractions are bad -the dual core, hyper threading monsters of computers everybody owns are turning out to be the hypothetical "Jack of all trades, master of none," and the end of functional society as we know it.
Distractions are killing us all. How many times have you been trying to write something and been distracted by email, a photo, or work in another application? The formatting options alone in Word would starve the person who vows to try every combination before he or she eats. How can any sincere writer entertain any hope of success or completion with such a veritable force working against them? It's only a matter of time until we all curl up and die.
Enter DarkRoom. DarkRoom's mission is to save the world by eliminating distracting ideas, movements, and gadgetry that every computer has. It eliminates stuff like zoom, font selection -even scroll bars are turned into undistracting arrows. It blacks the entire screen so you won't be tempted to glance at the time or temperature or inbox.
Copy and paste text into Word when you're done typing to format and print. Darkroom files are simple .txt files and open quickly because they are simple and tiny.
Free and Fast to Download
The entire download is super-tiny at only 47kb. Download it here. http://www.downloadsquad.com/2006/07/03/dark-room-writeroom-for-windows/